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Generate a New Invoice

You may have generated an invoice and need to make modifications. For example, you sold an additional item after the auction.

Alex McDonald avatar
Written by Alex McDonald
Updated over a week ago

If you have not yet paid

  1. Go to your My Event tab and choose Other Events.

  2. Click Pay Invoice next to your completed event.

  3. Click Edit My Sold Items.

  4. Make modifications as necessary. You can change information about the winning bidder by clicking Yes by the item in the "Did you sell it?" column.

  5. Click Continue Checkout and submit your payment.

If you have already completed checkout

The following steps are available only within 30 days of your event.

  1. Go to your My Event tab and choose Other Events.

  2. Find your event with a status of Invoice Paid.

  3. Click View Details.

  4. Click Add More Sold Items.

  5. Report any additional items you sold.

  6. Click Continue Checkout and submit your payment for the new invoice.

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